Eagan Community Center Wedding Photography of John & Stephanie

Eagan Community Center Wedding Photography

Eagan Community Center wedding photography of a groom sitting on a blue old fashioned bicycle with his bride by his side.

Here’s John sitting on an old-fashioned bicycle with Stephanie by his side.

Last Saturday was a hot one weather-wise, but that didn’t stop us from having a great time at John & Stephanie’s beautiful wedding at the Eagan Community Center in Eagan, MN.

Black & white infrared wedding photography of a bride and groom at the Eagan Community Center in Eagan, MN.

Black & white infrared wedding photography of John & Stephanie.

This was our second wedding in two weeks where we could take our new Canon 5D Super Color Infrared Camera out for a test drive.

The previous week it was very cloudy most of the day. This week was totally sunny with hardly a cloud anywhere to be found. A mixture of the two would be better for creating infrared wedding photography. While we didn’t have an ideal day for it, I still really like the infrared wedding photographs we created for John & Stephanie.

What Great Family and Friends

John & Stephanie really have such nice friends and family. No one complained about the fact that it was smoking hot outside, although we did our best to keep everyone in the shade where it was actually almost tolerable.

Eagan Community Center wedding photography of a bride, groom and their wedding party by the woods.

John & Stephanie’s wedding party striking a fun pose!

After their first look, Joannie & I took all of the family and wedding party photos in the shade near the pretty gazebo at the Eagan Community Center. Look for the special appearance(s) by their stuffed animal friend, “Perry the Platypus” in their wedding highlight music video. Since Perry has traveled everywhere in the world (literally) with these two, it was only fitting that he would attend their wedding too!

Once we had all of those special wedding images created, it was time to get these two crazy kids married!

Eagan Community Center Wedding Ceremony

It was a really beautiful wedding ceremony with lots of great music by several of Stephanie’s very musically talented friends. Also during the ceremony, all of the guests participated in a flower ceremony near the conclusion.

The color infrared wedding photograph below was taken during the final blessing, just before the first kiss.

Color infrared wedding photography of the final blessing during an Eagan Community Center wedding ceremony.

John & Stephanie’s final blessing.

Now that John & Stephanie were officially newlyweds, it was time for their celebration to begin! We all enjoyed a wonderful wedding reception and a delicious dinner with lots of fun and laughter throughout the evening.

Sunset Wedding Photos

Because it was such a hot and sunny day, Joannie & I didn’t really get a chance to create as many of the pretty wedding photos that we wanted to. So right after dinner, we snuck outside to take advantage of the “sweet light”.

The image at the top of the page was taken at that time with John & Stephanie sporting an old-fashioned bicycle. That blue bicycle served as a prop in some of their engagement portraits. It was also the program holder before their wedding ceremony and most importantly as the symbol of how those two actually met!

Yes, they met “officially” on a bike hike!

Eagan Community Center wedding photography of a bride & groom kissing under her bridal veil.

John & Stephanie kissing under her veil.

This mini bridal session at sunset was just the ticket to creating the Eagan Community Center wedding photography that we envisioned way back when John & Stephanie reserved Joannie and me as their wedding photographers. Nice!

Color infrared wedding photography of a bride and groom kissing in front of the lakeside gazebo at the Eagan Community Center in Eagan, MN.

Color infrared photo of a John & Stephanie kissing by the lakeside gazebo.

All of these closing wedding photos were all taken at sunset by the pretty lake right there at the Eagan Community Center.

Eagan Community Center wedding photography of a bride & groom by the pretty gazebo at sunset.

John & Stephanie by the pretty gazebo at sunset.

Black & white infrared wedding photography of a bride and groom by the lake at the Eagan Community Center in Eagan, MN.

A soft B&W infrared wedding photograph of John & Stephanie.

To John and Stephanie; Joannie and I really enjoyed your beautiful wedding day and all of the fun we had with you. Your families, wedding party, friends are awesome and (we can’t forget) “Perry” too.

We look forward to showing you all of your pretty wedding photographs very soon. Thank you!

“Eagan Community Center Wedding Photography of John & Stephanie” – ©2015 Michael Anderson Photography.

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