1967 Ford Mustang Light Painting
Last week during an amazing educational experience here in Chanhassen, MN, I had the opportunity to create a light painting of a beautiful 1967 Ford Mustang in the historic town of Carver, MN.
This wasn’t just an ordinary light painting location. The backdrop for this awesome car was Gregg’s Garage Vintage Restored Gas Station right there in downtown Carver. A couple of days ago, I shared the stunning light painting that I created of the gas station. Today, the ’67 Mustang gets added to the mix!
The Week In Review
Very early that Sunday morning, I returned from light painting my first aircraft, Dyke Delta N71AW, at Richard I Bong Airport in Superior, Wisconsin. That was a cool experience!
Then on Monday morning, I was one of 39 photographers from 17 states and 3 Canadian Provinces that attended a wonderful 3-day workshop on light painting with one of the Jedi Masters of the light painting, John Hartman from Stevens Point, Wisconsin.
The class, called Light Painting 2.0, was for anyone who had previously attended one of John’s light painting workshops. I had attended one at John’s studio in Stevens Point back in the spring of 2017.
1963 Split-Window Corvette Light Painting
On Monday night, our first class light painting project was a beautiful 1963 Split-Window Corvette at Gregg’s Garage Vintage Restored Gas Station in Carver, MN. Way cool!

Behind the scenes of John Hartman’s Light Painting 2.0 class preparing to light paint a ’63 Split Window Corvette at Gregg’s station in Carver, MN.
During that light painting experience, I chatted with the gas station owner, Gregg, about his restored vintage garage. He told me that I could use the station just about anytime that I wanted to. It turned out that I’d be back at his amazing vintage gas station that Wednesday night!
Light Painting a P-51D Mustang Fighter
On Tuesday evening, all of us headed to nearby Flying Cloud Airport in Eden Prairie, MN to light paint “Sierra Sue II”, a World War II P-51D Mustang Fighter. What an amazing light painting project!
Both the Corvette and the P-51 were class projects, so out of courtesy to John, I will not share my versions on the internet. John supplied each of us the files to create our own versions of each light painting. I’ll get started on mine soon. So when you see me, just ask I’ll be happy to share my versions with you.
Extra Credit
On Wednesday, I gave a short presentation about the unique way that Joannie and I light paint at weddings, high school senior portraits, bunnies at Easter, and at The Best Santa Experience.
There were lots of questions, so I offered to lead a light painting project on Wednesday night once Light Painting 2.0 concluded. I had no idea what we would light paint, but we were going to light paint something! I sent a text message to Gregg to see if it was ok with him to use his cool vintage gas station once again. He responded saying that it was fine with him and then he even offered to bring a car for us to light paint!
So, that night, we returned to light paint Gregg’s vintage gas station with anyone who was still in town to demonstrate how we light paint with strobes. Many had flights home after class ended, but quite a few were still around until Thursday.
That afternoon, I had no idea I would be creating a light painting of a 1967 Ford Mustang that evening! I would have been content “just” light painting the vintage gas station. But adding the Mustang to the image was simply amazing! Here’s the two of them in the finished artwork.

A stunning light painted photograph of a Candy Apple Red 1967 Ford Mustang in front of Gregg’s Vintage Gas Station.
I promised Gregg that I wouldn’t keep him up too late, so I got going light painting the Mustang right away so Gregg could go home. Once he headed home, we light painted his cool vintage gas station. Several of my classmates assisted me a ton and I want to thank them for their help.
Light Painting Gregg’s Garage Vintage Restored Gas Station
You’ve already seen the stunning light painting of Gregg’s gas station and the Mustang. Now it’s time to unveil the light painting of the ’67 with Gregg, his awesome car, and his vintage gas station!

A beautiful light painted photograph of Gregg and his 1967 Ford Mustang in front of his Vintage Gas Station.
Just like I did for the vintage gas station light painting, I’ve got a short video on our YouTube Channel so you can see the ’67 Ford Mustang come to life in a beautiful one-of-a-kind light painting. Thank you for reading our post and we hope you have a great one! – M&J