TPC Twin Cities Wedding
Last Saturday, Joannie & I had the honor of being the wedding photographers for Adam & Michelle’s beautiful TPC Twin Cities wedding day!
As their wedding day approached, we were all very interested in the weather predictions for last Saturday. All week long and once again when we woke up Saturday morning, the weatherman was calling for a 90 to 100% chance of thunderstorms starting at noon and going strong until 4 or 5 pm. Of course, our starting time was only one hour earlier at 11:00 am, so I was bracing for the worst.
A Good Chance Of Rain
Since Adam & Michelle really wanted to have a large portion of their TPC Twin Cities wedding photography outdoors, Joannie & I left extra early so we could scout out any possible places to take wedding photos in the rain at the TPC Twin Cities. I decided that unless it was absolutely pouring, we would work under the carport to keep everyone dry. Even though we would have to stand in the driveway, the photo backdrop at TPC was lush and green.
Just as we were leaving after our short scouting trip at TPC Twin Cities, it started to rain. At that point, I thought we might be in for a long day and might just have to forgo the TPC wedding photos, at least before the ceremony, and head straight to the church and do all formal wedding photography there. Thankfully, by the time we got Michelle’s parents home just down the road, it was only sprinkling.
Joannie & I unloaded our gear and got to work getting some of the pretty wedding details and images of the girls getting ready in Kirk & Karen’s beautiful home. We were thinking about hanging all of the wedding dresses in a small tree in their backyard. But of course, it started to rain once again just as we were going outside. So instead we took the wedding dress photos on their covered deck. Perfect!
When Michelle was ready, her father got his first look at his pretty daughter in her wedding gown also right there on the deck. It was a really fun moment to witness and capture for them!
TPC Twin Cities
After dad’s first look, it was time to head to the TPC Twin Cities. We were hoping for “dry” wedding photos there. It was also where Adam was going to get his first look with Michelle too! It was a fun moment to witness as our about-to-become-newlyweds enjoyed their “semi-private” moment before their wedding day really got underway.
Michelle and several of her bridesmaids were on the Valparaiso University women’s golf team together. So golf photos were one of our priorities, especially since we were at TPC Twin Cities. Upon arrival at the TPC, we decided that we better take the golf carts out for photos right away, since it was not raining (yet). So we did just that. That was pretty fun and the sun even made a short cameo just to tease us.
We employed our custom built golf cart light stand that we call “Lightning McQueen” out on the golf course for the golf cart photos.
Lightning McQueen
After the golf cart wedding photos, we got to work under the carport. It was time for family and wedding party photographs using “Lightning McQueen”. This time we outfitted it with a GoMo 48″ Octa Softbox to give us beautiful soft light for the group wedding photos. We even ventured out from under the carport for the wedding images below with the golf clubs.

Michelle & her bridesmaids, several of whom were on the Valparaiso University women’s golf team with her!
Christ The King Wedding Ceremony
Once we had the TPC Twin Cities wedding photos completed, it was time to head to Christ The King Lutheran Church in New Brighton, MN. We photographed the extended families, grandparents, and some formal wedding party photos as well as Michelle & Adam at the altar before the ceremony.
Adam & Michelle’s wedding ceremony was really very nice. With lots of music, some laughs and a nice message from Pastor Peter Hanson, these two were pronounced husband & wife at 4:35 pm! Sweet!
After their ceremony, Adam & Michelle made their way through lots and lots of bubbles supplied by their guests on their way to their party bus. They boarded the bus just in time as the rain started falling once again. It only rained for a few minutes, but it was enough to scramble everyone to their cars.
Kordiak Park
We decided to take the wedding party to nearby Kodiak Park in Columbia Heights, MN. Hoping to get some additional wedding party photos at the new location. Once we arrived we took a few fun wedding images with them and their party bus. But before we could do anything else, the rain came once again and this time it came down hard! They hurried back on the bus and we ran to our car as fast as we could! In the scramble, Michelle told us to head back to the TPC and they took a nice ride on the bus to relax and celebrate!
At the TPC Twin Cities, we unloaded our gear under the carport and prepared for their arrival. Joannie took several wedding reception detail images and some candids while I set up our lights for the Grand March.
Adam & Michelle’s reception, dinner, and dance was so much fun! The dance floor was packed all night long and everyone obviously had a really great time celebrating with them!
Nighttime Wedding Photography
Earlier that morning, as we were pulling into the TPC Twin Cities, I saw a spot that I really wanted to shoot at. It was a really pretty location on a stone bridge. I told myself that I could see creating a “signature wedding image” for them (and me) at that location. With the goofy weather that we had all day long, it appeared that I wasn’t going to get my wish.
The sun had already set once the dance started, and because to was so cloudy it was getting dark really fast. I asked Adam & Michelle if they were game for trying something more outside and they both said yes. So we grabbed one of our light stands from the dance floor and hurried out to the stone bridge. We created what turned out to be a very pretty nighttime TPC Twin Cities wedding image. Quite a bit different than what I visualized that morning, but pretty cool considering how dark it was outside.
To get the image, Joannie hand held one of our brand new and very powerful MoLight AD360II super flashes on a closed light stand and I placed one of our new MoLight V860II Canon Speedlights behind Adam and Michelle to backlight them. Then I ran (literally) to get into position in the long grasses and then tried to hold my breath and act like a tripod for the long exposure. It worked out pretty well I’d say!
Thank you!
We hope you’ve enjoyed our little story about Adam & Michelle’s TPC Twin Cities wedding day and their highlight music video below.
Adam & Michelle, Joannie & I are extremely grateful that you entrusted us to be your wedding photographers. We hope you’re having a wonderful honeymoon and we look forward to creating a beautiful wedding album with you in the weeks ahead. Thank you very much! –M&J