Miss Lainey Elise paid a visit to our portrait studio last week for her six-month baby photos!
This little angel is so cute and so very, very strong for such a little peanut. She nearly pushed herself off the set on several occasions! She really can arch her back and push off things. I think she’ll be crawling (backward) any day now.
She kind of reminded me of little Miss Kylie and her baby portrait session a few days earlier, she too tried to leave the scene at just four months old! What are they feeding these kids nowadays?
Been There, Done That
Miss Lainey is no stranger to “Uncle Mike’s” portrait studio. This was her fourth portrait appearance here in just her first six months!
She’s been here for her newborn portraits, and her three-month portraits and just a couple of weeks later with her siblings and her two cute cousins with our live bunnies at Easter too!
On this day, Lainey brought along grandma Maureen and her mommy along with her big sister Anna and her big Brother Ryan too! There are a few portraits of Lainey with mom, Anna and Ryan mixed in with the rest of her six-month baby photos. There’s even a little 4th of July themed clothing tossed in there as well. Very Patriotic and super cute too!
Some of my favorite images from her six-month baby portraits have to be when she’s dressed up as a little angel! She wasn’t too thrilled with the costume, but she tolerated it long enough to create a couple of very cute images!
I love creating six-month baby pictures as much or more than any baby age. Babies at six months old are really starting to show their little personalities and it’s so fun to witness and capture it for their parents to remember forever. Plus as always, it’s super fun for me as not only do I get to create the portraits, I usually get to hold the babies too!
That’s a win-win for me!