Another really cute kid dropped by to see Hop and Daisy for his Easter Portraits! Here we have Simon “Dude” and his Easter Bunny Portraits taken last night. Simon was very apprehensive from the start. He wasn’t going to be anywhere near those two little furry moving objects. In fact, I think there was a reasonable chance that if I hadn’t started calling him “Dude” three million times and putting on my best silly act, we might not have anything to show you here!
By the time we finished, Mr. Simon was kissing the bunnies! Go figure.
Here’s the portrait highlights from Simon’s Easter Bunny Portrait session. We’ve got several more Kid’s Easter Bunny sessions later today, so please watch for more kid’s and bunnies. We’ll spread them out over the next few days right here on our blog. Enjoy!
Images and video ©2013 Michael Anderson Photography.