Newborn Portrait Photography of one-month-old Emma Judith
Last week, Miss Emma Judith dropped by the studio with her security entourage including mom, dad and her aunt Kimberly who was visiting from Wisconsin.
Just one day short of being one month old, Emma was awake and quite hungry for much of her visit to our studio. As with most newborn portrait photography sessions, you have to allow a lot of time. Babies dictate what you can do when you can do it! I love babies!
So in this newborn portrait photography highlight video, we have many cute portraits of Emma alone and also with her proud parents Jessica and Michael.
Mom and dad both love to go fishing and are quite good at it too. So, of course, Emma has her first tackle box in a couple of her portraits too! Very nice.
Since Auntie Kimberly was in town, we took several more images with her and her adorable little niece too. Emma is very popular (and cute)! I know you’ll enjoy this little cutie and her newborn portrait photography session highlights!