Light Painting of a 1957 Corvette

Light Painting of a 1957 Corvette

I’ve got another beautiful light painting of a 1957 Corvette. Yes, it’s “Chaos 2” once again! I’ve had the pleasure of light painting this beautiful vintage automobile on several occasions now. This one undoubtedly is one of the prettiest of them all due to the stunning fall colors in the woods at Jean’s place!

We had already light painted the rear end of the car along with Jean and her pal “Chaos”, the Sheltie. We shared that beautiful light painting and the sad story of Chaos’ passing from cancer just a couple of days later.

A beautiful pet and pet owner portrait combined with a light painted photo of a 1957 C1 Corvette.

A sweet portrait of Jean and her one-and-only Chaos in “Chaos 2”.

Got A Flashlight?

Because it gets dark so much earlier in the fall, we finished that light painting pretty early. So I suggested that we try light painting the front end too. Jean was game, so we took a shot at it. By now, it was totally dark out, so I didn’t have a fully lit starting image to fall back on. That meant that if I didn’t light paint something in the scene, it would be a “black hole”. Not a good idea.

Photo of a 57 Corvette before light painting it.

The set-up shot before we began light painting “Chaos”.

It turns out that the angle we chose for the Corvette’s front end had a much larger “background” to light paint too! I’d guess about an acre! The full moon was going to be out, but it was barely above the horizon when we started, so it wasn’t much help for walking around in the woods in the dark. I was extra careful walking with my “flash-on-a-pole”, using my iPhone’s flashlight to see where I was walking. I’d get to a new spot, then yell “ready” back to Jean and Dale, and they’d fire the camera triggering the flash at the same time. I’m very happy to say that the process actually went very smoothly, and I didn’t fall down even once!


Of course, we added Chaos to this version too. He looks super sitting on the hood of Jean’s Cascade Green Corvette too! The setup shot for Chaos’s portrait is below. What a great dog!

Portrait of a Sheltie on the hood of a 1957 Corvette.

“Chaos” having his portrait taken on the hood of “Chaos 2”.

Light Painting a 1957 C1 Corvette

Back in the studio, the post-production on this one was kind of unique. I actually used more images to create the background and the surroundings than it took to light paint the car. That was a large area! I’d say that the only other time that’s happened while light painting an automobile might be the first time I photographed “Chaos 2” a couple of years ago by Jean’s “pond” (actually, it’s more like a small lake)!

Here’s the stunning completed image of “Chaos with Chaos 2”. It sure is pretty!

A pretty light painted photograph of a 1957 C1 Corvette and a cute Sheltie.

Chaos posing on Chaos.

I’ve also put together a short video on our YouTube Channel with the images used to create the image and then “the build”. Please check it out.

Thank you for reading our post and have a great Holiday Season! – M&J

“Light Painting of a 1957 Corvette” – © 2020 Michael Anderson Photography.

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