Five Heavy Construction Vehicles

Light Painting Five Heavy Construction Vehicles

Here’s the story about yet another cool light painting! This one features five heavy construction vehicles! These big guys were just begging to be light-painted, all posed perfectly in line! I created this light painting quite a while back when they were preparing the area for new homes just down the street from our daughter Jen’s family in Blaine, MN.

Since we drove by there quite often, it was pretty easy to notice these guys. Night after night, they would park them neatly in a row. I’m told that makes it easier to fuel them up in the mornings. Not sure if that’s true, but it does make sense.

Photo of five heavy construction vehicles, and a little boy, at sunset.

Ryder, wearing his pj’s, and the five construction vehicles right by his house.

Not My First Heavy Construction Rodeo

These rigs all belong to North Pine Aggregate, Inc. in Forest Lake, Minnesota. This was a big project, which lasted a couple of years, with dozens of new homes and roads being built. North Pine Aggregate had other heavy equipment in the area over that time too.

During that period, I had already light-painted the CATERPILLAR 330D L Excavator that you see below (that rig could very well be one of the excavators in this 5-vehicle light painting!).

A dramatic light painted photograph of a CATERPILLAR 330D L Excavator.

My finished light-painted photograph of a CATERPILLAR 330D L Excavator. For the sake of the neighbors, I took the liberty of not lighting the treeline. Instead, I added in dirt piles and swapped out the sky for an even cooler look!

On another occasion, I created a cool light-painted image of a Volvo A40G Articulated Hauler. This rig was the first dump truck that I’d ever light-painted. And it’s a pretty cool one at that!

A cool light painted photo of a Volvo A40G Articulated Hauler.

Here’s my light-painted photo of a Volvo A40G Articulated Hauler under a stunning sunset that I added in post-production.

Then, they and a Caterpillar CS54B Steamroller sitting there for a few weeks in the fall! So, I light-painted that dude too!

A stunning light painted photo of a Caterpillar CS54B Steamroller!

Here is the final light painting of the Caterpillar CS54B Steamroller (less the homes and bulldozer).

I love light painting construction equipment! Nothing but details everywhere you look! The bonus is not having to clean them up afterward in post-production. The dirtier the better! The biggest challenge is that I can’t open the cabs to light paint the interiors (I never touch the equipment!). So, I have to improvise, but I have it figured out!

A cute visitor drops by!

I had decided I was going to light paint these guys after they kept parking them so nicely night after night. So, one beautiful August evening I went for it! Once I was all set up I sent a text and photo to Jen to let her know what Grandpa was up to right down the street from their house.

Next thing I knew, two cute kids, Riley and Ryder, were coming down the street to say hello to Grandpa! You can see in the photo at the top of the page that Ryder was in my setup photo wearing his Batman jammies! I visited with the kids for a bit and then they went back home for bedtime.

Once it got fairly dark out, I got to work! We were blessed with a beautiful sunset that night and I had to include that for sure!

A cool light painted photograph of five heavy construction vehicles and a stunning sunset.

A cool light painting of five heavy construction vehicles and a really beautiful sunset.

A while later, the skies cleared and the starry sky and crescent moon allowed me to create a bonus “second version” of this cool light painting project. The sky was a pretty special addition to both of these light paintings! All-in-all, this project was a total success!

A cool light painted photograph of five heavy construction vehicles under a starry sky and a crescent moon.

Here are the five heavy construction vehicles well after the sun had set. The skies had cleared and the crescent moon was in full view!

Wait! There’s More, Lots More!

If you think these are pretty cool, please check out our dedicated light painting website at There are tons of cool light paintings of other construction equipment, police cars and fire trucks, cool aircraft, restaurants, and other goodies, lots of Corvettes, and many, many other cool cars, trucks, and motorcycles of all types!

Below, is the “build video” for this project. It’s only about a minute long and it shows some of the many images used to create this light painting project of five heavy construction vehicles. Thanks for reading our post and have a great day! – M&J

“Five Heavy Construction Vehicles” – © 2025 Michael Anderson Photography.

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